A year of fancy keyboard, honestly (Kinesis Advantage)

I know … I know … it is a scary, wierd looking keyboard.

When I first tried, I thought I’d never be able to master it. Although you are expected to type even slower then with the traditional layout in the begining, the feeling of unproductiveness is quite painfull. But after around 2 months of daily practice I was able to type more comfortably, just as the manual predicts, curiously enough.

me typing on kinesis advantage

Now I judge this to be the best device for typing, because it delivers what it promises:

I’ve always been a bad typist before. I now can touch type around 60 wpm comfortably, and I don’t think I’m ever going to be much faster than that, but health wise I’m much better. I feel my typing to be more fluent and relaxed then ever.


I often hear that the Kinesis Advantage 2 is an expensive keyboard! It could cost as much as a fancy cellphone, but the keyboard is something that I’ll spend hours interacting with every day and it’s part of my job, my source of income.

It would be much more expensive to get wrist, elbow or back pain, or simply be annoyed or stressed by bad posture and bad typing habits.