Programmimg feels like writing news report

Since I started working as software developer, friends and family often try to guess:

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My last three years of Ruby development in a pie

After working for almost 3.5 years for the company, I am leaving in a few weeks. This made me look back and think how I spent the time here. And I mean how my time was distributed among all kinds of work that I needed to do.

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Similarities between programming and teaching science to 13 yo kids

At his TED talk, the middle school teacher Tyler DeWitt talks about how he thinks science texts are too serious and often too detailed. I saw a lot of similarities between his approach to science and the act of programming. As rubists, the “make it fun” part is easy, we all agreed on that. The real challenge though lies on the “too detailed” part.

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Is testing your religion?

I think its great to promote automated test, and that's a +1 for  the Ruby community, but I can also see a lot of fanaticism. People are crazy about testing.

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Custom error messages in validations - Rails3 - Part#1 The Quick Answer

The default error messages when scaffolding a model always put the name of the attribute as first word in the error sentence.

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