Is testing your religion?
05 Jul 2013I think its great to promote automated test, and that's a +1 for the Ruby community, but I can also see a lot of fanaticism. People are crazy about testing.
- We need 100% percent coverage!
- “Test all the fucking time”.
- Test the models, test the controllers, end-to-end acceptance tests, and tests with (human) testers …
Developers seem so afraid of bugs! Testing is sold to the beginners as being the “unconditional good practice”. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not against testing, but I like to test what I think is worth to test.
I've seen ruby speakers say “you should be ashamed of not testing your code!”. Really? Testing because your ashamed of not testing? Sure that's a good reason for testing? I also have seen newbies that didn't want to put their code on a public repository (on github) because they didn't want anyone to see they were not testing. Again, I am a huge fan of testing, but to not be ashamed of the code is not enough reason for testing.
Are you ashamed of your untested code?